Passo Doppio - Rug

Passo Doppio - Rug

Design: Deanna Comellini. 

Collection: Gentle Performance. 

High performance technical yarn, anti-bacterial, not allergenic, anti-static, resistant to fungi and mold. High quality wool felt interwoven; 8mm thick. 

Passo Doppio is a hand-woven rug in high-performing technical yarn with chromatic and tactile felt cylinder intervals inserted between the weaves. The rhythmic succession of the two materials defines the steps and outlines the rug’s surrounding space.

A resistant rug suitable for indoor and covered outdoor areas, Passo Doppio is available in understated earthy, gray and blue tones with a selection of bright colors for the wool felt cylinders, providing an infinite color combination.

Passo Doppio rug is also available in large dimensions, up to the maximum loom width of 3,5 meters and unlimited length. The position and the number of the felt cylinders are custom-made and defined at the designer’s discretion.

Passo Doppio rug is ideal both for covered outdoor areas such as cozy patios and porches or sheltered areas in the garden, and indoor spaces such as hallways, bathrooms and kitchens.

Note: See images for interwoven wool thread colors. 

Maintenance: Vacuum cleaner on a low setting, taking care of the edges. Professional Cleaning Recommended. 

Custom Sizes.
Per sq. meter: $1750 USD
Oversize 12 sq. m | 129 sq. ft. + $1900 USD

Only custom sizing is possible, and we are happy to build you a quote for any custom size. Please contact us by phone 888.818.8382 or email

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